Cult Movie Clips Garbage Pail Kids Story (2017)
Cult's First Real Trailer Preys on Trump- Era Terrors. Finally—after weeks of surreal teasers and yesterday’s opening- credits reveal, which actually revealed nothing—we have a real trailer for American Horror Story: Cult. Sarah Paulson’s bloodcurdling shriek upon realizing that Donald Trump has been elected president is truly terrifying.
And relatable. Evan Peters humping his TV in what appears to be manic joy in reaction to the same news is also truly terrifying, for different reasons. There’s a lot packed into this one- minute trailer.
We already knew that Project Titan, what Apple was calling their build-a-car project, was a total shitshow. In fact, in a previous story about Apple’s automotive. A Trump Mask Is Just One of Many Disturbing Images in the American Horror Story: Cult Opening Credits. Some people are fans of the Dallas Cowboys. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Dallas Cowboys. This 2017 Deadspin NFL team preview is for those in the. The films listed below have been cited by a variety of notable critics in varying media sources as being among the worst films ever made. Examples of such sources.
We have Paulson’s character, Ally Mayfair- Richards, talking to a shrink (Cheyenne Jackson as Dr. Rudy Vincent) about her coulrophobia—fear of clowns, which has only gotten worse since the election. Alison Pill (as Ivy Mayfair- Richards) is Ally’s concerned and frightened spouse. Billie Lourd (as Winter Anderson) looks like their nanny from hell.. And Peters, as the pain- and- fear obsessed Kai Anderson, could be the leader of the titular cult, whatever shape (literal or not) that takes on the show. He’s definitely looking like the main villain, along with good old Twisty—who pops up in a storybook, as a doll, and presumably, eventually, in the greasepainted flesh.
Good morning! Welcome to The Morning Shift, your roundup of the auto news you crave, all in one place every weekday morning. Here are the important stories you need. We already saw just what a curious, playful little droid BB-8 is from his role in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But the question on everyone’s mind in light of this. As Cassini’s tour of Saturn comes to a close, NASA’s getting a bit nostalgic. Yesterday, the space agency released a photo of Saturn’s North pole the doomed.
American Horror Story: Cult premieres September 5 on FX.
Apple's Self- Driving Car Is Now a Dinky Self- Driving Bus. It shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that Apple’s once ambitious self- driving car project is no longer ambitious. The New York Timesreports that the company has relegated research for autonomous vehicles to a software system that will power a self- driving shuttle in between its new spaceship campus and its old offices. So much for reinventing the automobile experience.
This is not to say that self- driving shuttle is lame. It’s a futuristic bus that drives itself! Apple even has a patent for a bendy bus with tank treads, which is a creative idea. But then you hear the name, and your reaction is inevitably, “Oh.” The self- driving shuttle is called PAIL (Palo Alto to Infinite Loop). While the bus isn’t yet running, it’s hard to imagine Apple employees needing a lift and chirping, “Let’s go hop in the PAIL!”What’s really disappointing about the Times report, however, are the details of the now abandoned automobile hardware efforts. We’ve known since last year that Apple was waffling on its self- driving car project—codenamed Project Titan—and shifting its focus away from building a car from the ground up towards building software that could power an autonomous car, a strategy that’s also been adopted by Waymo, the new Alphabet company that picked up Google’s old self- driving project. What we didn’t know were many specifics about what Apple thought it could do if it did build a car.
Under the leadership of veteran Apple executive Bob Mansfield and with the vision of Apple accent- in- chief Jony Ive, the i. Car sounds like it was going to be awesome. That included motorized doors that opened and closed silently.
They also studied ways to redesign a car interior without a steering wheel or gas pedals, and they worked on adding virtual or augmented reality into interior displays. We can only assume that this might have looked something like the Mercedes F0. Minority Report. That self- driving car design features cabin wrapped in touchscreens with captain’s chairs up front that swivel around to create a little mobile living room. Just take out that steering wheel and those pedals, turn the chrome into matte black, and it could almost be an Apple product. But wait there’s more. From The Times: Apple even looked into reinventing the wheel. A team within Titan investigated the possibility of using spherical wheels — round like a globe — instead of the traditional, round ones, because spherical wheels could allow the car better lateral movement.
Apple thought about making its car roll around on big balls? That’s just crazy. Watch Free Movies Online Born In China (2017) there.
It’s certainly ambitious! But it’s crazy. Apparently, after some infighting over building a fully autonomous car versus a semi- autonomous car, Apple pruned its plans back to a new so- called car. OS. This is evidently what will be powering the shuttle, and Apple presumably hopes the software will also find its way into cars designed and built by automotive companies like, well, Mercedes. You can’t feel too surprised, but it’s okay if you feel disappointed.
An Apple- made mobile augmented reality chamber would’ve been really cool, and maybe we’ll get something close in a decade or two. For now, most of us are still stuck with our gas- guzzling death machines.