Buy Fun Mom Dinner (2017) Movie

Buy Fun Mom Dinner (2017) Movie 7,1/10 1486reviews

Parenting, Motherhood, and Family Friendly Product Reviews. One of my favorite Disney DVDs is out now! THE LION KING IS ON SALE TODAY!

If you know me, you know that I AM OBSESSED with the Lion King. To me, it is the greatest Disney movie. As you know Disney releases movie out of the vault and then once it goes back, you can't purchase it again for years.

So be sure to pick up the Lion King today and see Nala, Timon, Pumba.

OOH- MOM- ME (UMAMI) – FELLOWSHIP, FAMILY, FOOD, FUNIt’s been quite a while since I have posted. This summer has been busier than most other summers. Summer has had us away from home for longer periods of time than I would want. You know they say, you want to live in a place where you never need to leave for vacation.

I don’t know if I agree with that. I love where we live, four seasons, local produce, family, nature, city life. A vacation is an opportunity for us to see other parts of our world and experience their lifestyles through food, culture, music, transportation etc. So, we love to travel as a family but there is no better feeling than coming back home. Most recently, we traveled to Texas for a wedding. The wedding was grand and glorious and we had a chance to visit with family we hadn’t seen in over 1.

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NY. So, what to do? We went to San Antonio to visit the Alamo. Exciting to have seen it but underwhelming for sure. The last season of Top Chef had a stop in San Antonio so we had to stop by.

We ate a nice restaurant, Ostra, We made it to happy hour and so the prices were reasonable and food was good. Back to bbq hunt. Our drive from Houston to San Antonio gave us scenes of  oil and gas and fracking billboards. That alone made me feel sad.

Then, lo and behold, we see a large truck driving on I- 1. West with, maybe 1. And I’m sure you can guess, it was a Tyson truck. Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Finding Dory (2016) here. That made my stomach crawl and I had visions of a James Bond movie, where I swerved right in front of the truck and got out to wrangle with the driver and how cruel this was.

So, that led to the end of our bbq hunt. I came back to a week’s worth of CSA vegetables not being used. So, creativity ensued and my lack of fondness for meat led to some zesty pesto zoodles and scallion zucchini pancakes. All vegan and all delicious. I don’t think I can be totally vegan just yet but committing to 3 or 4 days a week of veganism at home is a great start and that’s where we are.

My kids have requested that we buy Boss Baby. I bet it will be a fun movie for them. Navigating this new world that connects people through technology while leaving us disconnected as a working mom, high school science teacher has been no less than.

I also know that I wont buy meat from factories or from places I don’t know how they treat them or raise them. If we do eat meat, it will be local and I will know the farmer/rancher’s practice. When you know better, you do better. I will post recipes of vegan vegetable pulao, zesty pesto zoodles and scallion zuke cakes later today. Thanks for sharing in my journey.