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Nobelprize.org, Official web site of the Nobel Prize. Ever notice how Christopher Nolan’s movies (Interstellar, Inception, The Prestige) feel like an anxiety attack? Well, maybe that’s overstating things a bit.
Welcome to Orsm.net. The biggest and best E/N site on the web! Gmail is email that's intuitive, efficient, and useful. 15 GB of storage, less spam, and mobile access. Clone High (occasionally referred to in the U.S.
Clone High - Wikipedia. Clone High (occasionally referred to in the U. S. The comedy centers on a high school populated by the clones of famous historical figures.
The show's central cast includes adolescent depictions of Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, and Cleopatra. The series also serves as a parody of teen dramas; every episode is introduced as a . It was later purchased by cable channel MTV, and was produced between 2. The show's design is heavily stylized and its animation style limited, emphasizing humor and story over visuals.
The Clone High theme song was written by Tommy Walter and performed by his alternative rock band Abandoned Pools, who also provided much of the series' background music. Clone High first aired in its entirety on Canadian cable network Teletoon between 2. MTV. It became embroiled in a controversy regarding its depiction of Gandhi soon afterward, which prompted hundreds in India to mount a hunger strike in response.

Shortly after, MTV pulled the series, which had been receiving low ratings. Clone High attracted mixed reviews from television critics upon its premiere, but it has since received critical acclaim and a cult following. Premise. It's located in the town of Exclamation, USA. The school is entirely populated by the clones of famous historical figures that have been created and raised with the intent of having their various strengths and abilities harnessed by the United States military.
The principal of the high school, Cinnamon J. Scudworth, has his own plans for the clones, and secretly tries to undermine the wishes of the Board (Scudworth wants to use the clones to create a clone- themed amusement park, dubbed . He is assisted by his robot butler/vice principal/dehumidifier, Mr.
Butlertron (a parody of Mr. Belvedere), who is programmed to call everyone .
Last month, a group of Dutch fishermen discovered a double-headed harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). The unusual little fellow was definitely DOA, and fearing that.
The classic US stereotype of attempted Iranian ideological indoctrination via chants of “Death to America” and such has been old hat for quite some time. Divx Movies Dvd Spiderman Homecoming (2017).
Much of the plot of the show revolves around the attempts of Abe to woo the vain and promiscuous clone of Cleopatra, while being oblivious to the fact that his friend Joan of Arc is attracted to him. Meanwhile, John F. Kennedy's clone (referred to as .
Gandhi acts in many of the episodes as the comic relief. Also on a few occasions, the characters that we see learn most of . For instance, Gandhi is portrayed as a hyperactive jerk- with- a- heart- of- gold whose biggest dream is to be accepted by those around him, in contrast to his historical legacy of calm nonviolence. Abe Lincoln is similarly portrayed as weak and indecisive, completely lacking the resolve of the President whose DNA he shares. All of the clones are also given mis- matched foster parents who have little in common with them. Gandhi's parents are a stereotypical. Jewish- American couple, while JFK is raised by a homosexual, interracial couple; Joan's .
For example, the diner the clones frequent is called The Grassy Knoll, a reference to the JFK assassinationconspiracy theory about a second shooter, dubbed . Other references seen are the flag at The Grassy Knoll being permanently at half mast and the car on the roof of the diner containing the original JFK's body leaning over the edge. There are pictures of assassinations hanging on the walls of the restaurant, such as the famous Currier and Ives print of the Lincoln assassination (though this version is in color and considerably more graphic than the original print). The genetic ancestors of all of the five main clones died of similarly irregular causes: three assassinations, one execution and one suicide.
Other historical figure- based humor includes offhand coincidental remarks to other students, such as Abe mentioning that the clone of Napoleon is so annoying because of . Each episode is introduced as a . Other episodes tackle drugs (smoking raisins), the environment, and underage drinking in a similarly ridiculous fashion. In a clear sign that it is parodying the high school genre, it even ends at prom: a stereotypical .
Even the prom is a joke however, as we learn it is only the Winter Prom. There was a running gag that creators Phil Lord and Christopher Miller wanted to include in the show . Butlertron, John F. Kennedy, Cleopatra, Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Gandhi and .
Scudworth (reclining). Abe Lincoln (voiced by Will Forte) is a clone of Abraham Lincoln and the main protagonist. He admires his clonefather Abraham Lincoln and feels that he is struggling to live up to him. He is in love with Cleopatra and has a very na. Abe doesn't notice that Joan has feelings for her and unintentionally mistreats her by reinterpreting it as a sign of friendship. He later realizes his feelings for her too late.
Joan of Arc (voiced by Nicole Sullivan) is a clone of Joan of Arc and Abe's closest friend and confidante. She is an intelligent, cynical and angsty goth. She loves Abe and hates how he ignores her in order to hook up with Cleopatra. She holds liberal political views, and . He, like Abe, is struggling to live up to his clonefather Mahatma Gandhi.
As a result, he reinvents himself as a wild party animal. JFK (voiced by Chris Miller) is a clone of John F. Kennedy and a handsome, popular, arrogant, and horny jock as well as Abe's on- and- off rival for Cleo's affections. He later develops feelings for Joan and hates how Abe treats her. At the end of the episode, he and Joan begin a relationship. Cleopatra (voiced by Christa Miller) is a clone of Cleopatra VII as well as Abe's love interest and later girlfriend.
She is a self- absorbed, vain, and often mean- spirited popular cheerleader who is the object of desire for every male in the school, most notably Abe and JFK. Principal Scudworth (voiced by Phil Lord) is the literally . Butlertron (voiced by Chris Miller) is Scudworth's Mr. Belvedere- esque sane robotic butler and reluctant sidekick in his stupid schemes. He refers to everyone as . Sheepman, Police Officer and Vincent van Gogh.
Murray Miller as Catherine the Great. Judah Miller as Scangrade. Debra Wilson as Harriet Tubman, Eva Per. The production was overseen by Touchstone Television. It was originally pitched to the Fox Broadcasting Company, who purchased the show immediately but ultimately decided not to order it to series. Miller deemed it the . Each episode was budgeted at approximately $7.
The characters and backgrounds were traditionally drawn, and frames and cels were frequently recycled. Co- creator Chris Miller explained, . Things that aren't expected are funnier: If an anvil's going to fall on your head, it had better not take more than three seconds. That's why we like the quick pose- to- pose stuff. For scenes with more emotional content, the characters move a little slower and more fluidly. Phil Lord added, .
We strip out extraneous movements, because we don't want to draw your eye to anything that's not part of a joke. Many Scrubs alumni, such as Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Sarah Chalke, John C. Mc. Ginley, Neil Flynn, and Christa Miller, provided the voices of characters in Clone High. Clone High was notable for subtle jokes hidden in the animation. There is an image of a dolphin hidden in almost every episode.
The use of dolphins (sounds or images) would be later featured in Lord and Miller's later work. In the episode . This sparked an outrage in India over the show's depiction of Gandhi. In 2. 01. 4, he recalled that protestors . Lord and Miller's two potential versions of a second season included one that made no mention of Gandhi's absence, and another that revealed that the character was, in fact, a clone of actor Gary Coleman all along, and the show continued as normal. In 2. 01. 4, they explained that as they at that time were under contract with Fox, Lawrence had a television deal at Warner Bros.
Television, and the rights to Clone High were owned by MTV/Viacom, it would be difficult to resurrect the show. Of these include Alkaline Trio, Ritalin, Catch 2.