Watch Free Columbus (2017)

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WATCH: Leftists Sledgehammer Oldest Christopher Columbus Monument In The U. S. Then They Post The Video. On Monday night in Baltimore, deranged leftists not only took a sledgehammer to the oldest monument to Christopher Columbus in America, they videotaped themselves doing it and posted the video accompanied by a hysterical screed targeting not only Columbus, but George Washington and America itself. The sanctimonious, vengeful, fact- challenged lecture starts like this: We’re walking to the oldest monument to Christopher Columbus in North America. Christopher Columbus symbolizes the initial invasion of European Capitalism into the Western hemisphere. Columbus initiated a centuries- old wave of terrorism, murder, genocide, rape, slavery, ecological degradation and capitalist exploitation of labor in Americas.

That Colombian wave of destruction continues on the backs of indigenous African- American and brown people. Conflating the terms “African- American” and “indigenous” is an interesting notion. Continuing: Racist monuments to slave- owners and murderers have always bothered me; Baltimore’s poverty is concentrated in African- American households, and these statues are just an extra slap in the face. Yup, that excursion Columbus took over 5. They were built in the 2. African- Americans’ dignity.

Watch Free Columbus (2017)

What kind of a culture goes to such lengths to build such hate- filled monuments? What kind of a culture clings to these monuments in 2. The culture of white supremacy preceded the United States; it’s at the foundation of U. S. Observe how vehemently Republican and Democrat misleaders defend genocidal terrorists like Christopher Columbus and George Washington.

Washington a terrorist? Forget the fact that he was likely the greatest American to ever walk the land, a man whose character is unrivalled, just where is that notion from? White supremacy and the systems that sustain it must be replaced or people will continue to suffer and the planet will die. Part of our evolution as humans requires the tearing down monuments to destructive forces and tearing down systems that maintain them. Part of our evolution is to develop new and ancient systems of democratic economics that center the needs of poor indigenous African- American and brown people.

Okay, get a grip. Those living in so- called poverty today in America generally have living standards that would be the envy of hundreds of millions of people throughout history, you fool.

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As the leftist takes a sledgehammer to the statue, another leftist holds up a sign reading. 1080P Hd Video Download War Machine (2017) more.

Ohio State Fair - 2017 Ohio State Fair Concert Series lineup announced - WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio August 23, 2017. OAPSE Members Head Back to School with new Video!

Best Movies of 2. So Far): Good New Movies to Watch This Year. Released: May 2. 2Cast: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Billy Crudup, Danny Mc. Bride. Director: Ridley Scott (Alien)Why it’s great: Scott, who unknowingly kicked off a franchise with his original 1. He has issues to work out with men, machines, and the tangible universe, and Alien: Covenant (a direct sequel to 2. Prometheus), will disappoint anyone looking for wall- to- wall Xenomorph carnage.

With less than a month to go until training camp opens, we take our best guess at who makes the Columbus Blue Jackets with some bold predictions included. Apple Hd Movies Spettacolo (2017).

With big ideas on his mind, Scott recasts Fassbender as his idea engine, the actor's diligent, lifeless android Walter pit against David, the defiant robot from Prometheus. His baroque bravado sets the tone for the entire movie, while his humanoid costars exist so Scott can rip them apart in excessively giddy and gruesome displays of violence. Alien: Covenant echoes Jurassic Park, The Evil Dead, and a movie Scott didn't make, James Cameron's Aliens, but the science fiction fueling its engines, and the science fate that steers the ending, amounts to a sadistic.