Order The Transfiguration (2017) Movie

Order The Transfiguration (2017) Movie 9,6/10 5951reviews

BIG C CATHOLICS: July 2. Fr. Charles Irvin. Diocese of Lansing. The Kingdom of God, always somewhat mysterious for us, was always on the mind of Jesus. There are almost one- hundred and fifty references to God’s Kingdom in the New Testament, fifty- two of them in St. Matthew’s gospel alone.

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The more Jesus spoke about the Kingdom the more it seemed to His listeners to be another- worldly place. Perhaps that’s because in a world gone insane, sane things seem to be unreal.

In today gospel account Jesus referred to the Kingdom as a hidden treasure, a box filled with golden coins buried somewhere in a field. Likewise, He spoke of the Kingdom as a precious pearl, a jewel found by a businessman who astutely sold everything he owned in order to buy it. He spoke, too, of the Kingdom as a fishing net filled with fish both good and bad.

Later He referred to the Kingdom as leaven in dough, as light, salt and seed. Likewise, He called it a ripe harvest, a royal feast and as a wedding banquet. We wonder what the Kingdom is for us, in everyday terms, as we live out life here in our town this week, next month, throughout the rest of this year, and beyond.

A blog for Catholics who are faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and seek the fullness of truth.

How do we identify and describe God’s Kingdom here on earth? Some folks think of the Kingdom as a remote and distant heaven in another world at the end of life.

Others think it’s an ideal political and economic order. Some think that the Kingdom is exclusively God’s business, not ours, and we have only to wait and receive it from God’s hands. Some identify the Kingdom as the Church; what’s inside the Church is the Kingdom, what’s outside of the Church is not a part of God’s Kingdom. But what is the Kingdom of God? When did it start? Where did it begin?

How did it come into being? For the answer to must go back to the beginning. In the beginning God divided light out from the dark.

Then God divided the land from the water. Then He made the earth fertile so that living things would grow in it.

Then the oceans, lakes and rivers were made to crawl with reptiles and filled with swimming fish. The lands He filled with weeds, climbers and creepers, bushes, and finally great trees. The air and the sky God filled with insects and birds, and on the ground wondrous animals and creatures of all sorts and varieties. And then God made the likes of you and me. He took the face of a man, and then of a woman, in His hands, bent their faces backwards, put His mouth on theirs and blew the Breath of Life into them commanding: “LIVE you woman!” “LIVE you man!” “Live as I live. I place you over the world as my agents, my ministers, my stewards. I give you all the earth that you may return it back to me with all that you have done to make it fruitful, productive, wondrous and beautiful, filled with souls for me to love and to love me in return.

Give happiness and joy; give your love and your life to each other and to all. Give my life within you to your children and your children’s children forever and ever. Live together in my love.”Where is the Kingdom of God? On earth, here, as it is in heaven, in us. It is our human life, that sacred space in which lives the very Spirit of God, the very life of God. If that’s not true then the Incarnation, God the Son becoming man, is meaningless. The Kingdom is found where God wants to establish it, in our human relationships with each other.

That is when it started; that is where it began; that is how it came into being. Jesus is tireless in pointing that out to us.

God’s Kingdom is God’s will, God’s desire for human life, where we find the quality of our human life. God’s Kingdom is the expression of His will that your life, and those who live in your life, might be filled with His joy, His love, His mercy, His justice, His truth, and His peace. Whenever we pray the Lord’s Prayer we pray to God: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done ON EARTH.

Nothing else is God’s will. The Kingdom of God here on earth is human life, high quality human life, filled with His glory. The reason Jesus was recognized as the Son of God was because those around Him discovered in Him the same exclusive diving purpose, namely the well- being of people. And so Jesus cried: “Stop being deaf! That’s no good. Hear!”“Stop being blind!

That’s no good. See!”“Stop being crippled. Blade Runner 2 (2017) Theater Movie. That’s no good. Move!”“Stop being mute. That’s no good. Speak!”And when He met the bleeding woman He said: “Stop bleeding.

That’s no good. Give God a child!” And when He met the widow of Nain holding her only child, her dead son, in her arms! Live!” God’s Word, the same Word that He shouted into the black chaos of the cosmos back at the beginning, went forth from His mouth and came back bringing life, life in its fullness, life fully healed and complete in His glory. Jesus gave life; He restored life; He repaired life; He affirmed life. He lived life among the broken, the prostitutes, adulterers, widows, and the aged.

He unbound Zacchaeus, a greedy, grasping, mean man who sat on piles of ill- gotten money. And when he was freed, Zacchaeus became prodigally generous — unreasonably and insanely generous.

He became just as unbelievably and irrationally generous as God. Jesus detested injustice; He hated unfairness, He was revolted by sickness, deformity and disease; Jesus was disgusted with violence; He set His face against oppressors. And when the Prince of Darkness and Father of Lies tried to conquer Him, He stood in simple silence on the ground of His Father’s Kingdom.

Even death itself could not do away with Him. Because He lived for human well- being while having in His heart the same will of His Father for all human life. Are you living in the kingdom? Do you sacrifice your own personal comfort and convenience for the well- being of those around you?

Does your work give value added to the lives of those around you? Does it add to the sum total of the happiness in their lives? Do your choices, your attitudes and decisions, contribute to the well- being of others? Do you give them life, or do you drain life from them? Do you give them joy or take the joy of living away from them? Are you like Zacchaeus before he met Jesus, or are you like Zacchaeus after he started to really live following his encounter with Jesus?

For if you are a savvy businessperson you’ll invest only that that which will last, and in that which will allow others to value you. After all God’s totally personal investment was in the humanity of Jesus risen in glory as the Christ given by God in order for us to live in His life. In the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God invested His own Spirit, His own life, His Holy Spirit in your humanity and mine. In the Spirit- filled humanity of the risen Christ, God gives us the opportunity to share His very own life. That is a reality that is more real than anything this world can ever dream of offering you.

If you know how to invest, then make this investment, just as did the shrewd businessman in today’s gospel account. If you do, you’ll live a happy, quality life because you will be doing God’s will and living life of real value in His Kingdom.

Wheeljack - Wikipedia. Wheeljack is the name of several robot vehicles in the Transformers franchise. Wheeljack is usually depicted as a very smart mad scientist who has invented plenty of stuff, including the Dinobots in Generation 1. His most useful invention is an almost impenetrable mask with bulbs on each side that light up when he talks. Wheeljack wears all the time. He is one of Optimus Prime's closest friends. Transformers: Generation 1 (Autobot).

His vehicle mode is a Lancia Stratos Turbo 5 rally car sporting Alitalia livery. Note that car #5. Lancia Stratos Turbo, only two were ever built by Lancia (compared to the rest which feature a different bodyshell).

Wheeljack is described as the mad scientist of the Autobot forces as he is always inventing new weapons and gadgets. He is the most accomplished driver (while in car mode) among the Autobots and enjoys displaying his skill level through various road stunts. Wheeljack possesses the ability to fly for relatively short distances (8. From his shoulder mounted cannons, Wheeljack can shoot magnetic inducer, shrapnel- needle, and gyro- inhibitor shells which can disrupt a target's sense of balance. He is often his own worst enemy due to the explosive and potentially damaging nature of his experiments. Also, he is one of the few Cybertronian vehicle forms shown - in his case, a boxy van- like vehicle.

His robot form is distinguished by large bulbs on either side of his head that light up when he speaks. In most episodes, he was seldom seen at the front lines in battle - but he was often fundamental to the plot. He, and the Autobot medic Ratchet (occasionally in cooperation with the human Sparkplug Witwicky), were often shown working together creating various devices, weaponry, and even additional Autobots.

Often, these devices were sought and sometimes obtained by the Decepticons and used against the Autobots. In the episode . Along with Ratchet and others he also helped to create the Aerialbots out of old Cybertronian shuttles. As the series progressed, Wheeljack's responsibilities were increasingly taken on by the Autobot scientist Perceptor until finally Wheeljack was found dead by Arcee in The Transformers: The Movie. In fact, Wheeljack appeared among the Autobots in the U. S. Later, on Earth, Wheeljack was present for a confrontation with the Decepticons that resulted in the death of Optimus Prime. Transformers: Animated. This historical video was stock footage from the original animated series.

Transformers: Victory. Wheeljack, along with Perceptor and Minerva were called upon to save Ginrai, who they converted into Victory Leo. Chronologically, Victory takes place after the movie, but Wheeljack is shown alive. This was a result of the movie not being released in Japan until August 1. Other appearances. In the story Optimus Prime and his Autobots (Bumblebee, Jazz and Wheeljack) battle Megatron and his Decepticons (Soundwave and Starscream) when Optimus runs out of gas.

Optimus becomes enraged at the price of gas, steals the fuel from the annoying hybrid Autobot Prius Maximus, then joins the Decepticons in destroying the city. Joe, the Ark, along with the Autobots and Decepticons within, is discovered by Cobra, who turn both factions into robotic drones to do their bidding. Wheeljack and Bumblebee managed to escape discovery, and are awakened when Cobra seals the ship. The two of them hide out in plain sight, until they managed to get in the middle of a battle between Transformer- augmented Cobra forces and G. I. Joe, the elite combat unit recently formed to battle Cobra. Throwing their lot in with the Joes, Wheeljack gained access to an emergency signal that had been released into the net by Optimus Prime, and was able to not only track down Cobra's hidden island base, but also awaken all the Transformers, both Autobot and Decepticon, and free them from Cobra's control.

With the situation on Cobra island quickly turning into a three- way battle, Wheeljack and Bumblebee planned to join the Joes to assault the island, rendezvous with the other Autobots, and together take down both Cobra and the Decepticons. However, a group of US generals had other plans: the Joes were to disable Wheeljack and Bumblebee and take them to Area 5.

Commander Hawk reluctantly complied, hitting them with an EMP device, but Wheeljack was able to maintain consciousness long enough to warn the Joes that a nuclear explosion would have a cataclysmic reaction with the Energon Cobra sought to synthesize. With the fate of the world at stake, the Joes disobeyed their orders and went with their original plan. On the island, Wheeljack, with the help of Bumblebee and a large force of Joes, managed to take down the mighty Devastator, and helped Mainframe and Doctor Mindbender stop the nuclear missiles from destroying the island, and a good portion of the earth as well.

Dreamwave Productions. He was under Grimlock's command during the disastrous battle of Altihex and once again in a mission to rescue Optimus Prime in Cybertron's depths. When Megatron and Optimus disappeared in an accident with a space bridge, the Autobot and Decepticon forces splintered into smaller factions, and Wheeljack joined Grimlock's command once more in the Lightning Strike Coalition. Wheeljack was among the Autobots commanded by Optimus Prime in the Ark mission, crashing deactivated on Earth and reawakening in Earth forms in 1. Following initial Decepticon defeat and the explosion of the Ark II, the Autobots were deactivated and lost in the ocean. Wheeljack was among those reactivated by Optimus in 2. Jazz assigned to stop the spread of Megatron’s deadly metal virus in the Canadian Northwest territories.

Wheeljack was temporarily deactivated once more, using all his power to neutralise the virus. When a Cybertronian task force came to arrest the Earth- bound Transformers in 2. Wheeljack was once more placed under Jazz's command was one of the few Autobots left on Earth to guard the Ark. Later in the year, Starscream and the Combaticons launched a vicious assault that left Wheeljack deactivated.

He was retrieved and repaired by the Earth Defense Command, and later rejoined the other Autobots to be shown the site of construction for the new Autobot City. IDW Publishing. He has not played a major role thus far, other than to accompany the other Autobots to the Decepticon base to watch the duel between Megatron and a super- powered Starscream. In The Transformers: Escalation, when Sunstreaker is presumed destroyed by the Machination, Wheeljack and Jazz tracked them to their base - only to be temporarily disabled by the Machination's advanced weaponry. After this he accompanied Prime to Brasnya to hunt down Megatron and his human facsimile - only to wind up in battle with Skywarp and Astrotrain. He and Jazz put Skywarp to flight, but the Decepticon promised to return with reinforcements. They then confronted Megatron (who had nearly killed Optimus Prime).

On Prime's orders, they focused fire on Megatron long enough for Prime to recover and drive off the Decepticon leader, although they were prevented from dealing a killing blow by the appearance of Skywarp and Thundercracker. In The Transformers: Devastation, both Wheeljack and Hot Rod were given the assignment of stopping a wounded Ironhide from being pneumatically compacted at a junkyard in Warsaw. While both Autobots were en route to save their comrade, they were intercepted by Headmaster versions of Sunstreaker created by the Mechination.

Optimus Prime leads Bumblebee, Drift, Kup, Prowl, Ratchet and Wheeljack in Las Vegas when a Cybertronian ship crashes containing Galvatron, Cyclonus, Scourge and an infestation of zombies from another universe. Galvatron attempts to take command of the Autobots, and after fighting them explains his mission to stop an undead infestation. Wheeljack sets up an energy shield around the city to keep the infestation contained, but it will only last for 2.