Kilo Two Bravo (2015) Stream

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Kilo Two Bravo (2015) Stream

Anon - 12 Apr 2015 2:36:07pm. It depends what type of sugars you are eating. Natural sugars found in foods are fine, like in fruit etc, added sugars are the problem.

Deep Dive Diecks Page. Hoo Yah! Here we go; Jackie Lee, Delta Platoon, 6. ST- 1,,, Moses Marquez,, Kilo platoon.

ST- 1 6. 9 ?,,, UDT- 1. Doc.. Doc Beaver w/cigar,, UDTRA class 2. Doc.. Sorry about that Doc,, I hit the wrong key and lost it all,,, VN's. Duck and Moanie,, ex- field grade capt VC,, worked with Kilo platoon,, was. It was suggested that as platoon LPO I take the op,, I flat. Gene Tinnen and Curtis Williams,,, our J. O was. directed to take it..

Young Lt Jg Dave.. I tried to talk him out of it. But. he was high pressured by our Lt OIC and the Black shoe CDR of Sea Float,,,, They. Shortly. after insurtition the two platoons encircled each other and took each other. The rest is too painful vto talk abour,, But peapol ask, ? I always reply. I'mv looking on my past e- mails for your posting address,, I'm.

CD,, Go off by yourself and listen to it,, Try not to cry; ! Have many. more SDV & Sub- ops photos. Hoo Yah, Deep Diving. The last one is for you,,,I've many.

I guess the little 1. I used to carry on my dog tag chain paid. As soon as I work out this machine I'll pass more on to our Vietnam Vets and. Frogman Friday,,And Doc Rieo as well..

Hope these photos help Dee's Family work things out,. The one thing I realy remember is the bloody big snake he brought home in a sack. Delta Plt's gun box,,, Bolldy big bugger too,, in the end it excaped in. Coronado and was never seen again.. Glad to help.. Hoo Yah Deep Diving Diecks ? More to follow.. I hade the lady at the post office. NZ stamps on it for you or any kids you know that collect.

I think you asked how old I am,, 0. April 1. 94. 0,, 7. I was on V- E & V- J day... I'll be changing to diecks. All's well here with our family,, Take care mate Hoo Yah Deep Diving. Doc; Thats a roger,, Berry,,, Ted Cassa and Jumping Joe Jenkins,, Had not seen. Joe since BMCS George Rush's Wake,, George was NCDU,,UDT- 1.

I bought. my yacht ARMOREL from George & Jan,, We called her mother . He gave me a bloody great wallop with it..

When I was. running my Sports SCUBA classes at US NTC I qualified his Son as a diver.. Its a bloody long string and we. I sent them some info because they have been sending me their news letter each. And I don't know how that got started.. So about Armorel, Which is the Celtic meaning of Sea Princess,, I retired on 1.

Sept 7. 6 and on 0. Jan of 7. 7 I bought Armorel from George Rush,, BMCS NCDU/UDT- 1. George & Jan Rush (Mother Frog) were members of the CYC,, George & Jan. The Cannal Zone,, Thru Mexico.

I bought the boat,, Joined the CYC and moved aboard.. In the early 8. 0's I sailed. Pt Loma,, turned right and went down to the Sea Of Cortez for a few. Diving and fishing,,, 0.

April I departed The Baja for Tahita and the islands of the South West. Pacificd,, Cooks,,Tonga,, Fiji and on to New Zealand, arriving on 0. Dec of 8. 5. But thats. I traveled to Mother England to meet past owners of Armorel,, Got invited to The. Royal London Yacht Club on Cows Day by Lady Heath and met Big Ears HRH himself. Comodor of the RLYC..

I've had a good time of it because of Armorel,,, She was once owned by Glenn Yraghboure of the lime lighters,,, His first boat. I can send. you a video disc of Armorel sailing from Mother England to San Francisco in. Send my your posting Address..

So I've said too much and am boreing tou to. You asked how I got the name Deep Diving ?? When I learn a bit more about this.

I'll pass you some paperwork to back up the story. Take Care Team Mate Thanks again for your efforts Hoo Yah Deep Diving Diecks Take Care Team Mate. May. 31,2. 01. 5 To: Doc Rio From: D. D. Deep Diving Diecks Doc I hope you get my package with the CD and the pictures. In Armdrel's Cockpit. I am anjoying a cigar from . On my private 4 ton.

Mangonvi Harbcure, Far North, N. Z. Note: The Big bronze bell was made. Armorel in S. P. F. Manufactured of old silver peso's in the. My son's God Father, Frank Blackstons had it made for us. He was 2nd. engineer aboard a USNS ammo ship out of subic. This bay was where we also spend.

Christmas with Dave And Sharon Bodkin when Odin was born on 0. Dec 1. 99. 7. Ted and. Helen Kassa also came down by air to visit Dave and Helen. The bellsmith won 3d. World champ for tone in Switzerland. I always rign out 8 slow bells for. Teamate. Bob Diecks.

Pictures from Bob . Robert Peterson ST- 2. PBR Sailor a VN interpreter name: Rio.

The only PBR sailor I remember we used on ops was Ray Price, I thinks. Jim West is not a name I recall.

We. should of had a platoon scribe keep a record. Robert . I found it on the Seal Team Two web site.

You were my NAUI instructor (#3. San. Diego in 1. 97. I was just another face, but you did a great job and it. At that time I was a young ensign. SCUBA class I decided to investigate becoming a navy diver, and in. I was admitted to the Naval School, Diving & Salvage, in Washington. DC, the last class before the school was officially closed (a new school was.

Panama City, FL about a year later). My experience in dive school, especially the. Thanks for being one of those early, positive. I hope you are still enjoying your own life. Sincerely,Jack Strandquist.

Berthoud, Colorado www. Date: Fri, Oct 3. From: Bob Vasmer- Diecks. To: Jack Strandquist.

Subject: Hi! Jack; Very Good To Hear from you.. I'm still alive. and well,, and still diving at 7. I now live in New Zealand with my 1. Odin,, British wife Caroline and after 3. Sounds as if you've done quite well for yourself. US naval gun factory Wash D. C. Buob. . . . Aldo Ray, Hollywood Movie star's Plt.

I was going thru your site and I saw this picture on page 2. It is a picture of. Japan or some other Asian country. Not Vietnam era Real. SEALs. Top to Bottom: Ensign JT Hall,  AOIC, bryan Yarbro. SDV pilot),  next ??

Michael Wood, Oin. C, Jom Morel, Plt  CPO. Bruce Soltice (R.

I. P.)From: John Potterto Doc Rio, First let me introduce myself. My name is John Potter and I met you a long time. ST- 2 (circa 1. 96. You would hang out with my parents (Doug. Claudette Potter) at the Chief's club or the E- beach. Yourself, Doc Martin. Lo. L) Dan Z, Bob (the Eagle), Mike B, Frank, and many.

Italy. I graduated from BUD/S (class 1. I can't remember as it all.

ST- 2 with Rudy B, Dennis D, Devoir K. Bull), Roger G, Tom K, Perrier B, Perrir P and many other teammates. When I checked into ST- 2, I asked about you and I believe you had retired or. TX to work in the medical field.

Sorry I missed you. I enjoyed many great years in the teams. However, in 1. 99.

I retired after 2. Boy do I miss those good ol days. Thanks to team guys like yourself. Billy (and many other warriors) who paved the way for me and the rest of the.

I've attached a picture of Me, my dad and son - Citadel graduation/commission. And my mom is currently looking at. AL. Thank you for setting up the ST- 2 website. It's great being about to see old. Take care, God bless and I pray Billy and his family... John sends.. Houston was killed in action in.

Afghanistan on Aug. American sailors and soldiers. Chinook- 4. 7 helicopter.

Standing at midfield an hour later, State Rep. Brian. Mannal (D- Barnstable) emceed the football program. Equally as important, Houston. Stoic throughout his. Kennedy made certain all of those involved were recognized for. Meg Chaffee and John and Teresa.

Hardy of the Quarterback Club. Use. what you like, you have my permission. I was in the 6 th plt. Boink, Thrift, Patches, Nelson, Doc Hammer, Leasure. Lewis, Slater, Fellers, Hyde, Porter, and Duke Leonard. We were working out of Camau and Hy yen in early 7.

Dennis Sprenkle. Mike Mc Donald, Richard CYrus. Michael F. Parrish     sitting:  ? Fred Keener? From: torr jacobsen (torrjacobsen. SEAL Subj:  michael f.

RIP note. Sprenkle  ??,  and Dennis. G. Sprenkle  Dennis G. Sprenkle  Dennis G. Sprenkle  Dennis G.

Sprenkle  Dennis G. Sprenkle  Dennis G. Sprenkle  Dennis G. Sprenkle  Jerry Waters                       Jerry Waters                        Mike Mc Donald and  ??????

Hook Tuure. ??,  ??,  ??, Chuck Fellers,  ??,  ????,  and  Terry. Zelmo,  Jim Glasscock's rock python. Nha. Bea, Vietnam. Tarbox. R. I. P. A salute to Tom Tarbox.

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