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Steve Jobs anecdotes . You had to assign employee numbers. That was a dispute you get into — who gets number 1? One of the first things was that of course, each Steve wanted number 1.
BBBMPS: Posted on Jan,12,2017 at 03:51 PM: Dear Amir Sir, Namaskar! Since childhood, I am having a planning to do something for society. The concept was to open.
I know I didn’t give it to Jobs because I thought that would be too much. I don’t remember if it was Woz or Markkula that got number 1, but it didn’t go to Jobs because I had enough problems anyway. Source: Interview of Michael Scott, Business Insider, May 2. On my first day at Ne. XT, as we walked around the building, my colleagues shared in hushed voices that Jobs personally chose the wood flooring and various appointments. He even specified the outdoor sprinkler system layout.
I witnessed his attention to detail during a marketing reorganization meeting. The VP of marketing read Jobs’s e- mailed reaction to the new org chart. Jobs simply requested that the charts be reprinted with the official corporate blue and green colors. Shifted color space was like a horribly distorted concerto to his senses. Source: Steve Jurvetson on Steve Jobs, Business Week, Oct 6, 2. Diane Keaton, 6. 5, says she met Jobs in the late .
Steve wanted to meet the . But things went downhill fast.
And I’m sitting there like, . And I’m going, . I thought, ? What an idiot I was. But as the business was under way, Jobs called Adams again to let him know that Ne. XT was going to give up its workstation business and focus instead on software.“He told me that the cost of hardware is coming down and we think it’s a commodity. How delightful.” In 1. Jobs dressed up as Santa Claus and handed out $1.
Adams also said Jobs was constantly telling employees who had screwed up or done something he didn’t like to “fire yourself.” Was Jobs serious? So I asked Steve Jobs if he’d give me one. Various questions came back. But eventually Steve said, . Another contribution from Steve Jobs, that I notice every time I look at my big book.
Source: Stephen Wolfram, Oct 6, 2. I worked at one point for 7. Steve Jobs showed on stage for 9 seconds. It’s top three, if not No. It didn’t look any different on that screen as it did on mine, but it was the knowledge that it was good enough to be on the stage that made it suddenly look different. I’ll never get that chance again, and I’m glad I had it. Source: Matt Drance, Business Week, Oct 6, 2.
Steve was the first guy I found who would be regularly curled up under his desk in the morning after an all- nighter. A lot of people think that success is luck and being in the right place at the right time. But I think if you’re willing to work harder than anybody else, you can create an awful lot of your own luck. We tended to have this philosophical relationship. He liked to talk about big ideas and where did big ideas come from.
He was always interested in talking about creating products and how do you know when a product is ready for market.”In the early 1. Bushnell bought a 1. Paris and invited all his Silicon Valley friends to a housewarming party.
There was a band, lots of food and drink, lavishly attired guests–and Jobs, who had left Atari to start Apple in 1. While everyone else was dressed up for the party, Jobs showed up in his Levi’s. Bushnell remembers “sitting on the Left Bank .
We had a delightful conversation about the importance of creativity. He was at a phase where he knew that the Apple II was nearing the end of its life. He was not happy with the Apple III. He was just starting to kick around the ideas for the Lisa and what was going to be the Macintosh. We were talking about trackballs and joysticks and mice, and the whole idea of having a little hand in the screen, which is essentially what the mouse was.“I last saw him a year before his death. He was very, very thin, but he didn’t look frail.
He had a strength about him. And you get off the plane, and the thing you least want to see on your i. Phone, which is seven missed phone calls from Steve Jobs. It’s like he was mad about something.. And Simon & Schuster had put a cover sort of in the catalogue they were putting out two years ago. It had Steve in a red apple, . You have no taste.
But I’ll look at the cover — and I don’t want it to be ugly. Mubarakan (2017) Izle. And I said, . It’s a black and white cover. Mc. Cluney was summoned with other top brass of the beleaguered company to Apple Computer's boardroom on its Cupertino campus. Embattled Chief Executive Gil Amelio wasted no time. With an air of barely concealed relief, he said: .
And he left. A few minutes later, in walked Steve Jobs. The co- founder of the once proud company had been fired by Apple 1. He had returned seven months earlier as a consultant, when Amelio acquired his Ne. XT Software. And now Jobs was back in charge. Wearing shorts, sneakers, and a few days' growth of beard, he sat down in a swivel chair and spun slowly, says Mc. Cluney, now president of storage provider Emulex. After some mumbled replies, he jumped in: !
So what's wrong with the products? Jobs cut them off. I was exiting the main building, Infinite Loop One, and just ahead of me was Steve Jobs, walking with the usual spring in his step that never seemed to go away even as he started looking more frail. Bumping into Steve was a surprisingly common occurrence for such a large company as Apple. Steve was heading towards a car parked next to the curb with its door open, waiting for him.
The car was idling. A family was standing near the Apple sign outside the building, a common site for people to take photos on their pilgrimages to Apple. Watch I Do Until I Don`T (2017) Free. The father turned to Steve as he passed close by and asked, . With a hint of enthusiasm, he said .
The family looked at the photo that Steve had taken and all agreed that it looked great. Then the i. Phone was pocketed and they were on their way. And that was the last time I saw Steve Jobs. Source: Chris Hynes, Oct 7, 2.
Three weeks after we launched I got a call in the office from someone at Apple that said, . And Steve never announces where he's gonna be and what he's gonna do because there's too much commotion around it. So he said, . And, you know, he talked about why Apple was going to win, and we talked about how Siri was doing. And he was very excited about the fact that. So that was his attraction.
I ended up very lucky, timing wise. I got to work with him for a year before he got real sick. And he's pretty incredible. The stories are true. All of the stories.
Source: Dag Kittlaus, co- founder of Siri, about Apple’s 2. In 1. 99. 8 my wife and I bought five i. Macs as Christmas gifts for our grandchildren.
We watched them open their presents, and when 5- year- old Molly opened her i. Mac, she said, . After using it a few hours, the disc drive door would not open. The dealer told me he was not authorized to exchange the computer for another one due to an Apple policy. Repair would take several weeks, he told me.
I sent an e- mail to Steve and asked him about Apple’s return/exchange policy on a new product. Within five minutes my phone rang. It was Steve. He asked me what the problem was and the name of the dealer. A few minutes later the phone rang and it was a very apologetic dealer. I e- mailed Steve, thanking him and assuring him that he had made my granddaughter’s Christmas a happy one.
Steve immediately replied with a simple 'Ho, ho, ho.'Source: Regis Mc. Kenna to Forbes, Oct 3 2. During one of our agency’s regularly scheduled marketing meetings with Steve, he asked for our advice on what he felt was a conundrum. Which was more important — to make the logo look right to the owner before the Power.
Book was opened, or to have it look right to the rest of the world when the machine was in use? Look around today and the answer is pretty obvious. Every laptop on earth has a logo that’s right- side up when the machine is opened. Back then, it wasn’t so obvious, probably because laptops were not yet ubiquitous. So we debated the issue. There were decent arguments on both sides. It seemed like we were damned if we did and damned if we didn’t.
Remember, Steve was the guy who put the customer experience first. In the end, that was the reason he ended making the decision he did.