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Rights. Immigration and asylum are under attack. Immigration is essential to our economy and a benefit to our society. We depend on immigration to ensure we have the people we need contributing to the UK’s economy and society, including doctors, agricultural workers, entrepreneurs, and scientists and so many others.
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Immigration broadens our horizons and encourages us to be more open, more tolerant. Refugees are human beings fleeing from war zones and persecution and we have a legal and moral obligation to offer them sanctuary. The Liberal Democrats are proud of the UK’s historic commitments to assisting those seeking refuge from war, persecution and degradation, and believe that we should continue to uphold our responsibilities.
The immigration and asylum systems have suffered from inefficiency and severe backlogs and delays over many years, harming their credibility and ability to operate effectively. We recognise that large- scale immigration has placed strains on some local communities and services. Major improvements are urgently needed. For that reason, when it comes to immigration the Liberal Democrats will: Ensure that the immigration system is operated fairly and efficiently, with strict control of borders, including entry and exit checks and adequately funded Border Force policing of entry by irregular routes. Hold an annual debate in Parliament on skill and labour market shortfalls and surpluses to identify the migration necessary to meet the UK’s needs.
A document entitled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber" in which an employee strongly criticizes the company's efforts towards diversity and equality has gone viral. FierceWireless provides breaking news and expert analysis of the trends shaping wireless communications. About; altmetrics: a manifesto; altmetrics11: Tracking scholarly impact on the social Web. Putting Scientometrics 2.0 in its Place
Continue to allow high- skilled immigration to support key sectors of our economy, and ensure work, tourist and family visas are processed quickly and efficiently. Recognising their largely temporary status, remove students from the official migration statistics. Ensure the UK is an attractive destination for overseas students. We will reinstate post- study work visas for graduates in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects who find suitable employment within six months of graduating.

Give the devolved administrations the right to sponsor additional post- study work visas. Work with universities to ensure a fair and transparent student visa process and find ways to measure accurately the number of students leaving at the end of their course. Establish a centrally- funded Migrant Impact Fund to help local communities to adjust to new migration and meet unexpected pressures on public services and housing. Provide additional government funding for English as an Additional Language classes to help migrants and residents gain independence and integrate with their local communities. And for asylum, the Liberal Democrats will: Apply the asylum system fairly, efficiently and humanely including the process for those who have no right to be here.
Offer safe and legal routes to the UK for refugees to prevent them from making dangerous journeys, which too often result in the loss of life for example via reform of family reunion rules to make it easier for refugees to joining relatives already living in safety in the UK. Expand the Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement Scheme to offer sanctuary to 5.
Parliament. Re- open the Dubs unaccompanied child refugee scheme, ensuring Britain meets its responsibilities by taking in 3,0. Liberal Democrats would offer these children indefinite leave to remain, meaning they will not be deported once they turn 1. End indefinite immigration detention by introducing a 2. Speed up the processing of asylum claims, reducing the time genuine refugees must wait before they can settle into life in the UK. Expect working- age asylum seekers who have waited more than six months for their claim to be processed to seek work like other benefit claimants, and only to receive benefits if they are unable to do so. Download Moana (2016) Movie Online.
Offer asylum to people fleeing countries where their sexual orientation or gender identification means that they risk imprisonment, torture, or execution and stop deporting people at risk to such countries. Movie Dvd The Only Living Boy In New York (2017).
Google employee's anti- diversity manifesto goes viral as the company dismisses the diatribe. A document entitled .
The opinionated article was written by an unnamed senior software engineer, and it accuses Google of political bias while calling for great . It was shared internally on a mailing list, and several Google employees tweeted about its existence. It did not take long for the rant - - which attributes the gender gap in technology to biological differences between the sexes - - to go public, and for Google to attempt to distance itself from the contents. See also: Weighing in at some 1.
Motherboard - - is a fairly lengthy one. The author recognizes that many people will not take the time to read through it in its entirety, and therefore took the time to include a TL; DR, bullet- pointed version at the beginning: Google's political bias has equated the freedom from offense with psychological safety, but shaming into silence is the antithesis of psychological safety. This silencing has created an ideological echo chamber where some ideas are too sacred to be honestly discussed. The lack of discussion fosters the most extreme and authoritarian elements of this ideology. Extreme: all disparities in representation are due to oppression. Authoritarian: we should discriminate to correct for this oppression. Differences in distributions of traits between men and women may in part explain why we don't have 5.
Discrimination to reach equal representation is unfair, divisive, and bad for business. Responding to the document, Google's vice president of Diversity, Integrity & Governance, Danielle Brown, said to Motherboard that it is . But that discourse needs to work alongside the principles of equal employment found in our Code of Conduct, policies, and anti- discrimination laws. Google's vice president of engineering, Ari Balogh, also responded to the document, saying: I'd like to respond to the . Questioning our assumptions and sharing different perspectives is an important part of our culture, and we want to continue fostering an environment where it’s safe to engage in challenging conversations in a thoughtful way. But, in the process of doing that, we cannot allow stereotyping and harmful assumptions to play any part.
One of the aspects of the post that troubled me deeply was the bias inherent in suggesting that most women, or men, feel or act a certain way. That is stereotyping, and it is harmful. With so many technology companies now desperately focused on trying to improve diversity and equality in the workplace, the document provides and interesting insight into how such schemes are viewed from the inside. The full text of the document can be read on Gizmodo. Image credit: achinthamb / Shutterstock.