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How to Get Your Dad to Stop Sending You Racist Emails. You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice. This advice isn’t sugar- coated—in fact, it’s sugar- free, and may even be a little bitter. Welcome to Tough Love. You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice. This advice isn’t sugar- coated—in fact, it’s sugar- free, and.

I simply want to give you the tools you need to enrich your damn lives. If for whatever reason you don’t like my advice, feel free to file a formal complaint here. Now then, let’s get on with it. With the exception of my brother, all of my family is of the “brainwashed by Fox News” ilk.

I am a giant bleeding heart liberal. I also have a relationship with all of them that could best be described as “cordial” and I’ve long since given up hoping to improve that. We’re just very different people and I’ve made my peace with that.

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I keep my interaction with them on social media to a minimum in the name of keeping the peace. Several years ago I went through a round of eye roll- inducing chain mail forwards from my uncle who is my dad’s older brother, which I began responding to with links from Snopes or other sources disproving whatever idiocy was forwarded to him. My uncle is a bully and didn’t like when I did this and whined endlessly about it, but it eventually had the desired effect of getting me removed from his email forwards.

Unfortunately, My uncle is also a pretty significant influence on my dad. Dad’s always been relatively conservative but in the last few years he’s tacked hard to the right in a pretty disappointing and disgusting fashion. Right now I largely ignore the emails, though I do occasionally respond with a link debunking whatever was in it depending on how egregiously stupid it was. My question is, should I continue this current behavior or should I become more aggressive in trying to deter him from sending them to me? Staying silent feels shitty but I’m under no illusions of dad having an epiphany and realizing “HEY BEING A RACIST PIECE OF SHIT ISN’T FOR ME!” And while my relationship with my parents is lukewarm at best, I don’t particularly want it to deteriorate. It feels like little potential upside with a lot of potential downside of confronting him about it, but it’s still tempting to try.

Dan, Welcome to the blog! Crosman’s 760 is their most popular air rifle of all time. More than 20 million have been made over the years. There are many versions of. The Sundance Film Festival brings the most original storytellers together with the most adventurous audiences for its annual program of dramatic and documentary films.

Thanks,Not So Fortunate Son. Hey Not So Fortunate Son: Silence isn’t the answer here, but you’re right, you shouldn’t be under any illusion that you can change your dad’s mind.

I’m sure he’s the “set in his ways” type. You’re a grown man with your own opinions of the world, and it seems like your political discussions are creating a rift that will only continue to grow as time goes on. You’re a little disappointed in your conservative, racist father. He’s a little disappointed in his bleeding heart liberal son.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t still maintain a cordial—as you put it—relationship with him. You might even be able to mend things a bit too. First, stop firing back. Don’t take the bait. Your responses are just feeding the fire, Not so Fortunate Son.

Then, if you can’t stand watching those forwards show up in your inbox, tell him to please stop sending you those emails! You do not owe your father any email fealty. Don’t just shoot off an angry email in response, though. Give your request in person, or at least on the phone. He needs to know you’re serious about it and not just being a whiny snowflake.

It’s time to be brave and stand up for yourself, kid. When he asks why or gives you shit about it—and this is vital—be very serious and tell him it’s because you’re family and you love him, but you feel like this behavior is creating a gap in your relationship and you don’t want it to get any wider than you feel it already is. He needs to know. He might be on the other end of the spectrum, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be somewhat understanding when it comes to his own kin. Tell him you’d be happy to receive an email, call, or text from him as long as it’s not about politics. Tell him you’d rather talk about the good ol’ days (if there were any), sports, hunting, cars, movies, anything else.

Or plan a father- son activity to reconnect and give both of you a chance to understand each other a bit better. You must escape the political news tug of war! Focus on what you like about your father, if anything, and go from there. Email chains are never a good way to really communicate or understand someone, so don’t let that become the focus of your relationship. If that doesn’t work, and he doesn’t stop, block his emails—then tell him you did.

You gotta’ do what’s right for you and your happiness, but he still needs to know. You’re different people—you’ve made your peace with that—so let him think he’s won and move on. Don’t poke the bear, let him eat, and move on to greener pastures. Hopefully one where you and your dad can have a catch and focus on finding some less- racist middle ground. Every family has that one relative that can’t stop forcing their controversial political stances. Tell me, what’s troubling you?

Is work getting you down? Are you having problems with a friend or a coworker?

Is your love life going through a rough patch? Do you just feel lost in life, like you have no direction? Tell me, and maybe I can help. I probably won’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but sometimes what you need is some tough love.

Ask away in the comments below, or email me at the address you see at the bottom of the page (please include “ADVICE” in the subject line). Or tweet at me with #Tough. Love! Also, DO NOT EMAIL ME IF YOU DON’T WANT YOUR REQUEST FEATURED.

I do not have time to respond to everyone just for funsies.

Sundance Film Festival . However, you may not submit your film directly to any one specific program.

Instead, you must select from one of eight submission categories, listed below. City Of Ghosts (2017) Review. For more information about our Festival programs and eligibility requirements, please be sure to read our FAQ document. U. S. NARRATIVE FEATURE FILMS: Any narrative work of fiction of U. S. In order to qualify as a U.

S. Narrative Feature Film, the submitted project must be either scripted or improvisational fiction, and at least half of the project's financing must originate from within the United States. Only films that are World Premieres are eligible for our U. S. Dramatic Competition program, but U.

S. Narrative Feature Films that have previously screened at up to two other festivals anywhere in the world are still eligible for our out- of- competition programs. Narrative Feature Films that have been or will be exhibited publicly at one or more non- festival screenings, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, or released via any home video or other public distribution platform (Blu- ray, DVD, streaming, VOD, etc.) before January 2.

Institute’s Festival programs. U. S. DOCUMENTARY FEATURE FILMS: Any non- fiction film of U. S. If your documentary contains some dramatization of actual events, you may submit to this category, but we will ultimately decide which program is best suited for your project, if accepted.

In order to qualify as a U. S. Documentary Feature Film, at least half of the submitted project's financing must originate from within the United States. Only films that are World Premieres are eligible for our U. S. Documentary Competition program, but U. S. Documentary Feature Films that have previously screened at up to two other festivals anywhere in the world are still eligible for our out- of- competition programs.

Documentary Feature Films that have been or will be exhibited publicly at one or more non- festival screenings, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, or released via any home video or other public distribution platform (Blu- ray, DVD, streaming, VOD, etc.) before January 2. Institute’s Festival programs. INTERNATIONAL NARRATIVE FEATURE FILMS: Any narrative work of fiction of international origin with a running time of 5. In order to qualify as an International Narrative Feature Film, the submitted project must be either scripted or improvisational fiction, and more than half of the project's financing must originate from outside of the United States. International Narrative Feature Films that have previously screened at any festival outside of the film’s country or countries of origin are not eligible for open submission to the Institute for Festival consideration.

International Narrative Feature Films that have been or will be exhibited publicly at one or more non- festival screenings, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, or released via any home video or other public distribution platform (Blu- ray, DVD, streaming, VOD, etc.) before January 2. Institute’s Festival programs. INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FEATURE FILMS: Any non- fiction film of international origin with a running time of 5. If your documentary contains some dramatization of actual events, you may submit to this category, but we will ultimately decide which program is best suited for your project, if accepted. In order to qualify as an International Documentary Feature Film, more than half of the project's financing must originate from outside of the United States. International Documentary Feature Films that have previously screened at any festival outside of the film’s country or countries of origin are not eligible for open submission to the Institute for Festival consideration.

International Documentary Feature Films that have been or will be exhibited publicly at one or more non- festival screenings, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, or released via any home video or other public distribution platform (Blu- ray, DVD, streaming, VOD, etc.) before January 2. Institute’s Festival programs.

U. S. SHORT FILMS: Any narrative fiction or documentary film of U. S. In order to qualify as a U. S. Short Film, at least half of the submitted project's financing must originate from within the United States. Short Films have no premiere requirements or prior screening restrictions to retain eligibility.

Short Films may have been screened at any number of festivals or other public theatrical exhibitions anywhere in the world, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, and/or released via any home video or other public distribution platform. INTERNATIONAL SHORT FILMS: Any narrative fiction or documentary film of international origin with a running time of less than 5. In order to qualify as an International Short Film, at least half of the submitted project's financing must originate from outside of the United States. Short Films have no premiere requirements or prior screening restrictions to retain eligibility. International Short Films may have been screened at any number of festivals or other public theatrical exhibitions anywhere in the world, broadcast or streamed on television or the Internet, and/or released via any home video or other public distribution platform. EPISODIC CONTENT: Projects submitted in this category may be documentary series or fictional series of any genre, whether scripted or improvised.

Applicants may submit single or multiple episodes of the same project, provided that the total running time does not exceed 1. Multiple episodes should be uploaded as one continuous video file or submitted on a single disc. We accept both short- form and long- form content, but individual episodes may not exceed 6. Open submissions in this category are not eligible for the Festival if the submitted content has been made available to the general public via any platform (broadcast television, Blu- ray, DVD, streaming, VOD, etc.) prior to January 2. Projects originating from outside of the United States are still eligible provided that the content has only been released within their country of origin. If the submitted content is a continuation of an existing series that has previously been made available to the public, only new episodes are eligible for open submission to the Festival.

VIRTUAL REALITY PROJECTS: Submissions in this category are eligible to be selected for the Festival’s New Frontier VR Showcase. We encourage the diverse creative community of storytellers and technologists to submit inventive, independently produced works of fiction, documentary, and interactive projects for consideration. Projects must be viewable via one of our accepted VR platforms (3. We request that you provide a link to a 3.

Additionally, we request that you provide a 2. D version or documentation of the project via Withoutabox’s Secure Online Screener system. Virtual Reality Projects may have been previously made available, either for free or for purchase, via any existing distribution platform or exhibited at other festivals, industry trade shows, and/or conventions and still retain their eligibility for open submission to the Festival.