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Live- Tweeting Of Soccer Match Interrupted When Social Media Manager Subbed Into Game. We’ve seen before just how versatile lower league soccer players have to be in order to keep their clubs functioning and their fans informed. Just this weekend, we saw another example when a Baldock Town player continued in the proud tradition of Sleaford Town’s Harrison Allen by dutifully tweeting updates about his club’s big F. A. Cup match, only shirking his social media duties once the coach put him into the game.
The man in question was the 2. Liam Kenna, a defender for Baldock Town.
I Made Bogey is an online golf apparel company that sells products with slogans you’d expect to see on the Wildwood boardwalk. There are a series of t-shirts. We’ve seen before just how versatile lower league soccer players have to be in order to keep their clubs functioning and their fans informed. Just this weekend, we. The Ice Cream Truck Movie (2017) Movie On Dvd.
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The club competes in England’s 1. Since Kenna wasn’t starting, the club’s liaison officer handed him a phone logged into the team’s twitter account and instructed him to keep up with the action. With his nice view of the action from the bench, Kenna began tweeting away: However, after this update from late in the match——the account stopped posting its regular midgame updates and didn’t tweet again until after the match was over. It wasn’t until the next day when Kenna informed Baldock Town’s followers of what the issue was: Though anyone who followed Kenna himself could’ve figured out the deal: Here’s the team’s liaison officer describing the situation to local Stevenage paper the Comet: “We try to . Now we’re seeing how many people are retweeting this. It’s mad, just crazy!”Kenna was so engrossed in his tweeting duties that he almost took the pitch with the phone still in his hand until the line ref reminded him to put it down.
Here’s Kenna on the matter: “I didn’t realise the tweet had gone viral until . Then I woke up this morning with 6,0. The worst part was when I found out I’d made a spelling mistake. Then newspapers and radio stations were ringing me all this morning.”This was a big win for Baldock Town, as it sent them into the next round of the F. A. It’s not clear whether we’ll see or hear from Kenna again, either through the club’s tweets or with another appearance on the field. It is, however, pretty clear which of the two options Kenna himself would prefer.
Titleist Sues Seller Of Parody “Titties” Merchandise. I Made Bogey is an online golf apparel company that sells products with slogans you’d expect to see on the Wildwood boardwalk. There are a series of t- shirts inspired by Happy Gilmore.
There are red “MAKE GOLF GREAT AGAIN” hats. But the bulk of the products on the site are parodies of golf brand Titleist. Only instead of that brand’s name, it reads: “Titties.”That angered Titleist. As Bloomberg reports, the company has filed a lawsuit against I Made Bogey citing unfair competition, trademark infringement and dilution. The famous maker of golfing gear wasn’t amused when an upstart riffed on its name to sell some. But Bloomberg’s Polly Mosendz and Kim Bhasin explain that the Titleist might have an uphill battle with its claim: In the suit, Titleist claims both trademark infringement and dilution.
For dilution to stick, it must show that I Made Bogey’s hats tarnish Titleist’s reputation or blurs its fame. For trademark infringement, however, Titleist must show that consumers would be confused by the two logos. And that would be pretty difficult, she said. It’s a parody, and most people would get the joke,” explained intellectual property attorney David Erikson, principal of Erikson Law Group in Los Angeles. Because he’s not passing off his golf products as coming from Titleist, . Trademark suits are expensive to defend, and there’s no guarantee the maker of Titties hats will come out on top. If you want a lewd golf hat, act sooner rather than later.