Cult Movie Clips Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (2017)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. K Ultra HD Blu- ray Ultra HD Review. The Movie Itself: Our Reviewer's Take. If there is one thing James Gunn has demonstrated in the last few years of his two- decade filmmaking career, it's that when left to his own wildly- whimsical devices, he can catch lightning in a bottle.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is opening at the U.S. Versions of Adam Warlock’s cocoon have appeared in both Guardians of the Galaxy films and every time I’ve seen them, my skin has crawled, even though the pods are. Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana take a spin in a new clip for 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,' James Gunn's follow-up to Marvel's superhero space comedy. Director James Gunn praises the cameo work of Farscape star Ben Browder during Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 on his Instagram page.

His first two theatrical features, Slither and Super, didn't leave much of an impression at the box- office, but both films are today well- regarded cult favorites, better appreciated for being clever insights at genre formula. In 2. 01. 4, he amazingly managed to turn a relatively little- known and near- forgotten comic book series into a cultural phenomenon, surprising the expectations of everyone. Movie Dvd Paradise (2017). Three years later, Gunn returned to write and helm Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Although it doesn't surpass the first movie, which for some is debatable, the direct follow- up nonetheless proudly joins the list of superhero sequels that are just as good as their predecessors.
Cult Movie Clips Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 (2017) Super
Amanda Seyfried was hot in Venice. Emily Ratajkowski gets down to her undies. Ariel Winter flashes some sideboob. Lily James' butt is quite nice. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 actor Michael Rooker is caught snoozing in a new blooper video posted by writer/director James Gunn. The Movie Itself: Our Reviewer's Take. If there is one thing James Gunn has demonstrated in the last few years of his two-decade filmmaking career, it's that when. Though it should surprise no one, “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” has proven to be yet another big hit for Disney and Marvel Studios, blasting in with a $145.
Gunn and his talented team maintain the same level of energy and humor as before, centered around the camaraderie and chemistry of a ragtag band of reluctant heroes. Of course, as tends to be the curse of most sequels, much of the plot in this second installment is largely a rehash of what worked in the first movie. Only, those same plot points have been reshuffled and rearranged in such a way as to be barely perceptible. After opening with another musical dance number, the gang is once again hunted through the galaxy for stealing a valuable artifact. Only this time, Rocket (Bradley Cooper) is the one pinching a handful of batteries from a gold- colored race known as the Sovereign, and the ploy is used for generating tensions between the crew, forcing them to learn to work together at the opportune time while pushing the theme of family.
Meanwhile, the arrogantly smarmy Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) continues fancying Gamora (Zoe Saldana) from a distance, but she's too proud to be admired and busy reeling from family problems, namely her sister Nebula (Karen Gillan). Michael Rooker, too, returns as the blue- skinned buccaneer Yondu chasing after Quill while also acting suspiciously forgiving of Quill's betrayals, which leads to resentment from his merry band of Ravagers. Again, the sequel is largely constructed from recycled parts of its predecessor, but thankfully, this is not to the film's hindrance. In fact, the real success of Gunn's plot, the smart thing for making a good sequel, is that he expanded on the events and themes of the first Guardians. The story feels more like a continuation rather than a haphazard add- on to a franchise. Drax (Dave Bautista) is finally grasping humor and sarcasm but still struggles with the concept that his straightforward, blunt honesty could be inappropriate, with some of the movie's funniest moments coming from his interactions with the empath Mantis (Pom Klementieff). At the same time, Yondu and Rocket are given more prominent roles, allowing them to reflect on their .
Part of this new emotional center also comes from Peter meeting his father Ego (Kurt Russell), the physical incarnation of an ancient celestial that evolved into a sentient planet. Gunn builds and builds all this gooey emotional stuff to the point of gushing over, hitting audiences right in the feels with what is frankly one of the most heartbreaking, tear- jerking sequences in all of the Marvel universe. However, Gunn balances all this sentimentalism, making that tearful moment as though out of nowhere, with a great deal of humor and a few fanboy allusions. Other than seeing Howard the Duck (Seth Green) in another silly cameo, teasing fans with the idea of the character being given a film all to himself, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
Sylvester Stallone as Stakar Ogord, one of the original members in the Guardians comics. His little spat with Yondu on Contraxia is a reference to the comics where Yondu first sported his . Later, other original members — Aleta (Michelle Yeoh), Charlie- 2. Ving Rhames), Mainframe (an uncredited Miley Cyrus), Krugarr and Martinex — also make brief appearances, hinting at the possibility of seeing more of them. There are plenty more Easter eggs throughout, but I'll leave the rest for viewers to hunt. In the end, the sequel is an excellent follow- up to the first movie, a lighthearted popcorn flick that lives up to the spirit of the summer blockbuster, one that is equally visually mesmerizing and exciting as it is fun and hilarious. Vital Disc Stats: The Ultra HD Blu- ray.
Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment brings Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Ultra HD Blu- ray as a two- disc combo pack with a flyer for a Disney Digital Copy that can be redeemed via Redeem. Guardians. com (according to Disney PR, this code is ONLY good for the HD version). The package also includes an amusing, retro- like poster featuring David Hasselhoff. The dual- layered UHD6. Region Free, BD5.
At startup, viewers are taken to an interactive menu screen with full- motion clips and music playing in the background. The Video: Sizing Up the Picture. Marvel and Walt Disney Studios finally jump on board the riffraff 4. K Ultra HD ship to save the galaxy with a gorgeous and often stunning H. HDR1. 0. Early reports suggested the studio's first foray into UHD and HDR could possible include Dolby Vision, especially after the director's enthusiastic praise of the format during the film's theatrical run, but, sadly, the studio was only able to ready the movie in HDR1. K physical media release (a Dolby Vision streaming version can be purchased separately via VUDU).
Although this news comes with a loud disappointing sigh, the end result is honestly a remarkable and beautiful presentation that bests the Blu- ray in several areas. To start, the 2. 16. HD. Shot entirely on the Red Weapon Dragon camera system, capable of 8. K resolution but mastered in a 2. K digital intermediate, the freshly- minted transfer displays sharp, fine lines in nearly every scene, including those taking place on Ego's planet. In the BD, these scenes, along with good amount of the CG imagery, were a bit on the softer, but here, the picture is consistently sharp. The elaborate architectural design of Ego's palace is easy to make out, and the surrounding alien foliage is clear and definite from a distance.
The hairs on Rocket are not only razor sharp but also move independently of each other, the cracks Groot's rough bark body are discrete, and the individual whiskers on the faces of Kurt Russell and Chris Pratt are striking. The loose wires and exposed pipes of Quill's ship are plainly visible while the most negligible scratch and imperfection everywhere gives the ship some character. The lettering in buttons are more distinct and legible, and the thick threading in the costumes is unmistakable, looking more aged than before.
For more observant viewers, the makeup work of Gamora, Drax and Nebula will reveal the most trifling and insignificant detail, adding to their realistic appearance, while facial complexions beneath the makeup appear natural with lifelike textures. It's not always perfect, as there still remains a couple blurrier spots compared to some of the best moments and there are minor instances of aliasing along the sharpest edges. Still, the movie looks awesome! Even more impressive is the improved contrast and brightness, which is where the UHD wins hands- down over its BD counterpart. The overall picture quality is noticeably brighter, providing the whole production with a bit more pep and enthusiasm.
Whether it's the fluffy clouds in the sky and Ayesha's white furry coat or all the lights blinking on any given ship, the video delivers some of the whitest whites available on any format, providing various objects with an intensely sparkling radiance. Compared to the HD version, the brightest highlights are tighter and better controlled, making it possible to make out the tiniest details without sacrificing the luminescent glow of those said objects.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. K/3. D (Best Buy Exclusive Steel.
Book) Ultra HD Review. The Movie Itself: Our Reviewer's Take.
If there is one thing James Gunn has demonstrated in the last few years of his two- decade filmmaking career, it's that when left to his own wildly- whimsical devices, he can catch lightning in a bottle. His first two theatrical features, Slither and Super, didn't leave much of an impression at the box- office, but both films are today well- regarded cult favorites, better appreciated for being clever insights at genre formula. In 2. 01. 4, he amazingly managed to turn a relatively little- known and near- forgotten comic book series into a cultural phenomenon, surprising the expectations of everyone. Three years later, Gunn returned to write and helm Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Although it doesn't surpass the first movie, which for some is debatable, the direct follow- up nonetheless proudly joins the list of superhero sequels that are just as good as their predecessors.
Gunn and his talented team maintain the same level of energy and humor as before, centered around the camaraderie and chemistry of a ragtag band of reluctant heroes. Of course, as tends to be the curse of most sequels, much of the plot in this second installment is largely a rehash of what worked in the first movie. Only, those same plot points have been reshuffled and rearranged in such a way as to be barely perceptible.
After opening with another musical dance number, the gang is once again hunted through the galaxy for stealing a valuable artifact. Only this time, Rocket (Bradley Cooper) is the one pinching a handful of batteries from a gold- colored race known as the Sovereign, and the ploy is used for generating tensions between the crew, forcing them to learn to work together at the opportune time while pushing the theme of family. Meanwhile, the arrogantly smarmy Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) continues fancying Gamora (Zoe Saldana) from a distance, but she's too proud to be admired and busy reeling from family problems, namely her sister Nebula (Karen Gillan). Michael Rooker, too, returns as the blue- skinned buccaneer Yondu chasing after Quill while also acting suspiciously forgiving of Quill's betrayals, which leads to resentment from his merry band of Ravagers. Again, the sequel is largely constructed from recycled parts of its predecessor, but thankfully, this is not to the film's hindrance.
In fact, the real success of Gunn's plot, the smart thing for making a good sequel, is that he expanded on the events and themes of the first Guardians. The story feels more like a continuation rather than a haphazard add- on to a franchise. Drax (Dave Bautista) is finally grasping humor and sarcasm but still struggles with the concept that his straightforward, blunt honesty could be inappropriate, with some of the movie's funniest moments coming from his interactions with the empath Mantis (Pom Klementieff).
At the same time, Yondu and Rocket are given more prominent roles, allowing them to reflect on their . Part of this new emotional center also comes from Peter meeting his father Ego (Kurt Russell), the physical incarnation of an ancient celestial that evolved into a sentient planet. Gunn builds and builds all this gooey emotional stuff to the point of gushing over, hitting audiences right in the feels with what is frankly one of the most heartbreaking, tear- jerking sequences in all of the Marvel universe. However, Gunn balances all this sentimentalism, making that tearful moment as though out of nowhere, with a great deal of humor and a few fanboy allusions. Other than seeing Howard the Duck (Seth Green) in another silly cameo, teasing fans with the idea of the character being given a film all to himself, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Sylvester Stallone as Stakar Ogord, one of the original members in the Guardians comics. His little spat with Yondu on Contraxia is a reference to the comics where Yondu first sported his .
Later, other original members — Aleta (Michelle Yeoh), Charlie- 2. Ving Rhames), Mainframe (an uncredited Miley Cyrus), Krugarr and Martinex — also make brief appearances, hinting at the possibility of seeing more of them.
There are plenty more Easter eggs throughout, but I'll leave the rest for viewers to hunt. In the end, the sequel is an excellent follow- up to the first movie, a lighthearted popcorn flick that lives up to the spirit of the summer blockbuster, one that is equally visually mesmerizing and exciting as it is fun and hilarious. Vital Disc Stats: The Blu- ray Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment brings Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
Ultra HD to Blu- ray as a three- disc Steel. Book combo pack with a code for a Digital Copy, which can be redeemed via Redeem. Guardians. com but ONLY good for the HD version in a variety of streaming apps. A Region Free, BD5.
K Ultra HD comfortably atop a 3. D Blu- ray, and all three are inside a lightly embossed metallic case, which is exclusive to Best Buy. At startup, owners are taken directly to a neon- colored 3. D menu screen with the standard options along the bottom, music and full- motion clips. The Video: Sizing Up the Picture.
Invading as many video formats as possible, the ragtag group of misfit heroes also save the universe armed with a beautiful 1. MVC MPEG- 4 encode that wonderfully shows off the busy, vibrant cinematography of Henry Braham. The movie was shot with 3. D in mind and later converted in post, using alternating aspect ratios to better take advantage of the technology and IMAX screens. And this exclusive 3. D Blu- ray remains faithful to the filmmakers' intentions, changing from a 2. Compared to the standard 2.
D version, this is arguably the best way to watch the movie in HD. Separation between the foreground and background objects is excellent, often creating a realistic 3. D world with a great sense of distance and space, especially during exterior shots where there are lots of busy activity in the background or whenever walking through Ego's palace. Some of the best shots, in fact, are those inside Quill's ship, like the escape from the Sovereign where the far end of the ship penetrates deep into the screen while Quill and Rocket argue in the front, practically popping out at viewers. The film provides a variety of 3.
D gimmick shots, most notably when arriving at Ego's planet and colorful bubbles appear as though suspended in the middle of the room or whenever Yondu uses his arrow. And rather than make viewers wait for IMAX- style sequences to enjoy those gimmicks, the filmmakers also make great use of the 2.
Overall, the presentation is one of the best post- conversion jobs available, displaying a consistently great deal of 3. D depth throughout. The other aspects of the video remain the same as the standard Blu- ray. In spite of the darkened glasses, lush, sumptuous primaries ooze off the screen with giddy delight, keeping everything light and animated, while Ego's planet parades about with an extensive array of loud, vivid secondary hues, making the sentient world appear like a beautiful phantasmagoric dream. Spot- on contrast provides a comfortably bright and glowing presentation with sparkling, brilliant whites throughout. Interestingly, brightness levels are slightly improved, probably thanks to the glasses, but either way, blacks are rich and true, providing an appreciable cinematic quality and dimensionality while retaining excellent visibility during poorly- lit sequences and shadow details, exposing the tiniest object and feature within the darkest areas of the frame.
The picture also shows outstanding definition and resolution. Shot entirely on the Red Weapon Dragon camera system, the freshly- minted digital transfer displays sharp, fine lines in nearly every scene. The loose wires and exposed pipes of Quill's ship are plainly visible while the most negligible scratch and imperfection everywhere gives the ship some character.