Cult Horror Movies Christ The Lord (2016)
Right on the heels of Madonna’s Occult Ritual performance at the Super Bowl (which we covered in “Ye Shall Be as God: Madonna’s Super Bowl Occult Satanic Ritual. Uplifting the King James Bible and the name of Jesus Christ in these Last Days, this website is a ministry—a pulpit—exposing false prophets, deceptions and all. Finally—after weeks of surreal teasers and yesterday’s opening-credits reveal, which actually revealed nothing—we have a real trailer for American Horror Story. Chnnels list more than 7000 channels+ 3000 VOD Arabic USA Canada SUISSE FRANCE TV ITALY NORDIC ALB EX YU BELGIQUE GERMANY UK-GB TURK NL Bulg TURK Brasil.
WEEKS. Japanese. horror. L8. 95. 9. 90. 71.
More Horror with subs. K7. 7 A. R. 1. Commando Implacable (8.
Crazed forest dwelling. He survives, and man is he pissed ! Check out this sadistic. In Spanish but easy to follow. Abby (7. 4) blaxploitation “Exorcist“.
May 22nd, 2016 by Allen Webber ” A Thorn in the Flesh” “Every once in a while, in conversation, the topic of Paul’s thorn in the flesh has come up. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! IMDb Mobile site.
BAM5. 3 Abduction. Violent and brutal abduction / rape.
F. L. L6. 77 Abnormal. Extremely vile (but optically censored) Hard - Core Sex and Gore ! LBX - Subs. 88. 2 Adult.
Version of Jekyll and Hyde (7. Sleazy re- telling of the. Adventures. of Electric Rod Boy (8. A boy with an electric rod.
Subs ! 8. 83 Alabama’s. Ghost (7. 2) vampires, motorcycle and. Albino. (7. 6) Chris Lee , Sybil Danning. L8. 46. Alchemist, The (8. Alex’s. Apartment (9.
OBSCURE horror. thriller BA4. Alien 2 . On the Earth (8. In English ! T9. 86 Alien.
Abduction : Incident in Lake County (9. Yet another alien scare. A camcorder captures a. Put together to make you believe the. Fool a gullible family. The lights go out as a family celebrates.
The two sons go to check on the fuse. UFO crashed in the woods. Will. anyone survive ? Alien Dead. aka: It Fell From the Sky (8. BA2. 97. 6- L6. 34 Alien From the Deep.
Antonio Margheriti !! Alien Predators (8. Alien Prey (8. 3) Lesbians encounter flesh. BA6. 47. 8 Alien Terminator (8.
Franco Nero, George. Kennedy- story manages to incorporate the KGB. CIA, aliens, Indiana Jones and The Terminator - .
Alien Warrior (8. BA7. 07. 9 Alienators. Shocking Dark (8. Bruno Mattei's . L4.
Almost Blue (0. 1) Inspired by Michael Mann's. Manhunter - In Italian stylish horror with Subs. BA1. 32. 5 Alpha Incident, The (7. Alucarda. aka: Sisters of Satan aka. Innocents From Hell (7.
L4. 72 Amazon Ghost (0. Thai made tale with gold. F. L. With the aid. Staley). they begin the search for his sister. Dawson!)L2. 99 Appetite (9. Strangers play cards in a. Loser must stay in a haunted room where.
L8. 40 Appointment with Fear (8. Trapped in a world where. A mixed bag of Elvis. Aliens, Extreme Gore, Star Wars light sabers. Nazi's, a mean Killer Teddy- Bear wielding a.
Malevolent Stuffed Hog, or. I guess. they didn't want to leave anyone out? The. killer teddy bear is the coolest. It gets a hold. of an electric knife, cuts a guy's guts out. Teddy. dumps salt in the wounds!
Epic at over 1 hour and 4. Argentina's version of a. Peter Jackson styled . Obscure. film from France and in French Language - F.
L. 7. 84 Attic, The (8. Woman librarian devotes. She. fantasizes his death and finds joy only with her. Monkey disappears and a shocking. Well, it's time. And. Aunt is hungry!!!
Or is it just someone with. A modern day parable (for the 7. Soles L1. 25- 4. 87. Baby Blood (9. 0) aka: The Evil Within. A devilish beast crawls inside a woman's uterus.
Uncut! Can't find any information on. No information. online or in any reference books on this one. Bad Boy Bubby. (9. Gore, hard- core sex and brutal rape. Subs. 36. 58 Bakterion. Italian language. Forced. into prostitution by sadistic gangsters (who.
She wears wigs when she services. Her would be rescuer wields a mean. Very. violent- with torture- nudity and down- right.
MEAN behavior. It has no English. But don't let. that stop you! An evil woman with a skin disease has.
Then begins her new evil life. Subs. 36. 76 Barracuda (8. The Lucifer Project.
BAM7. 5 Basic Autopsy Procedures +. Mortuary of the Dead. That's right. We continue our Righteous. Crusade for Cremation. Why anyone would want.
Mortuary. of the Dead (also on this disc) has two guys. Showing body pieces and the like. Ahem. A Better Way of. Death. LBX in English!
BA8. 07. 6 Beasties (9. L6. 76 Beasts 2. 00. Slasher on an island! Lots. of gore , nudity and Sex! With Subs. 57. 4 Beauties and the Beast (8. L8. 06 Beautiful Sisters: Flesh. Slaves - Lesbian sex and brutal.
Nikkatsu - LBX Subs BAM7. Beautiful Teacher in. Torture Hell (8. 5) Man kidnaps teacher and. LBX B. A. K6. 1 Beauty in Rope Hell (8. A mailman captures a young.
Subs - LBX - BA 8. Beauty's Evil Rose, The. Argentina film is in Spanish. Big Meat Eater (8. Birds of Prey. aka: Beaks: The Movie (8. N3. 5 Bits and Pieces (8.
Maniac with a mother. Bitter Chamber (9. Pupi Avati’s. “House With Windows That Laugh“ - a man goes to. Black Candles (8. X- Rated horror with. Jose Larraz - BA 2.
Black Cat, The (9. Luigi Cozzi directs. Caroline Munro (who had to sue to get paid!) in. P9. 3 Black Cobra Woman (7. Jack Palance and Laura. Gemser star in this Uncut and LBX version of.
Lesbian snake dancer (Gemser). Palance) for. killing her female lover in this extra sleazy. Black Demons (8. 9) Umberto Lenzi - Subs. K2. 20- 3. 08. 1 Black Devil Doll From. Hell, The (8. 4) This movie will leave you. Okay, wait until you see the rape. Black Gloves and Razors.
See description on page 1. L2. 36 Black House (9. Kuroi ie - Wimpy insurance agent gets. T1. 69 Black Magic (7.
Shaw Brothers Horror LBX. Subs. 50. 75 Black Magic aka: Baba Yaga (7. Carrol Baker P2. 0 Black Magic Terror (7.
Queen of Black Magic - BA7. Black Master, The (7. RARE Italian sleaze. Karin Schubert. Enter a woman pursued by. Black Panther, The (7.
British serial killer. Donald Neilson (who’s been compared to Manson). Black Past (9. 0) Olaf Ittenbach’s first. S. O. V. A. barren woman obsesses that she is pregnant - LBX. In English language with Foreign Subs. K1. 70- 8. 5 Black Room, The (8. Brother and sister team.
Black Souls (9. 9) In German . Black Torment aka: Estate of Insanity (6. L9. 34 Black Veil for Lisa, A. A woman has an affair with.
More plot twists in this Giallo. Entertaining low - budget. Blood Bath aka: Track of the Vampire (6. Blood Beach (8. 0) 3.
Blood Bride (7. 2) alternate F. L. 6. 33. 3 Blood Clan (9. Michelle Little as the sole survivor of. Scotland's mass murdering, cannibalistic Bane. BA 1. 78. 3 Blood Couple aka: Ganja and Hess (7.
Blood Cult (8. 5) early S. O. V. Sergio Bergonzilli.
John Philip Law is a painter who is. Gordon Mitchell). Later. the bodies are disposed of in sulfuric acid. Richard Cassidy. 23. Blood Song (8. 2) Cool gory axe attack as. Frankie (beach bum, teen idol) goes bonkers!
Blood Voyage (7. One of the first ! Jekyll, The. (8. 1) Finally the full version. Walerian Borowczyk classic ! We had. offered this before as . Udo Kier stars in. K1. 72- T7. 67 Bloodbeat (8.
Funny 8. 0's horror about a. Wisconsin running. Japanese Samurai. Jekyll and Miss Osbourne.
Udo Kier 4. 36. 4 Blood. Rage aka. Never Pick Up a Stranger (7. When they arrest a suspect the murders. Genuinely repulsive.
Quality only Fair LBX - Subs. Bloody Buns (0. 0) Disgruntled food service. This is the UNCUT. U. S prints BA7. 08.
Bloody Friday. aka: The Single Girls (7. Claudia Jennings and.
Pretty sick stuff. The only clue is that the killer. A. cab driver is accused of a series of grisly. Download Hitman Agent 47 (2015) Movie Online.
As he tries to prove his innocence. Q1. 81 Boy from Hell, The (0. Japanese Horror - Subs. Boy Who Cried Were. Wolf, The. (7. 3) Little Richie Bridgestone. Q9. 82 Brain Fix (8.
Extremely obscure Gore. Horror film that for some reason never got. Father and son work at their clinic. After living. enzymes are transplanted into the brains of his. What are you waiting for ?
Social degradation and. Subs. L2. 04 Buio Intorno A Monica, Il. Muerte rondo a Monica La.
Obscure thriller with Karin. Schubert. 47. 66 Burned at the Stake aka. The Coming (8. 0) 2. Burning Moon, The (9. ULTRA GORY! 4. 74. Burning, The (8. UNCUT with all the extra.
We also get. Cast and Crew interviews + Burnt Offerings : The Cult of. Wicker Man which digs even deeper into the. And- for an additional $1. Come Now.. You Have an Appointment With.
The Wicker Man ! 4. Butcher Baker Nightmare. Maker (8. 2) aka: Night Warning. Butcher, The (6. D. Claude Chabrolis best. T2. 09 Butcher, The (8.
Talia Shire and Vic. Tayback - B. A. 8.
Butterfly Murders, The. A journalist attempting. They go to a mysterious castle. Just one ominous piece of. Gory Spiritual Horror with an awesome.
Probably the scariest. Turkish film ever made.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! About. Jesus- is- Savior. HOW TO BE. SAVEDYe Must Be Born Again! Salvation is by grace through. Plus NOTHING! THE GIFT OF PROPHECY(a life- changing MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack. Hyles. The New. World Order is here!
The stage is being set for the antichrist.